No Pebble Mine guide to social media
Tips and resources for using your own images to fight Pebble Mine.
You can use this image to post or to add to your own images to show the world that you oppose the proposed Pebble Mine. A free app for adding it to your images on your phone is eZy Watermark Lite.
#nopebblemine #katmai #katmainationalpark #thinkaboutbears #brownbear #grizzlybear #salmon #salmonfishing #senatorlisamurkowski #brownbear #grizzlybear #mcneilriver #bearviewing #ourwild #publiclands #optoutside #wilderness #wildlifeconservation #fatbearweek #salmon #explorealaska #sharingalaska #thealaskalife #alaskanadventures #naturealaska #savebristolbay #defendbristolbay
Direct people to call Sen. Murkowski
Alaska’s US Senators, Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan, will play a critical role in stopping this proposed project. Have people call their offices to let them know their thoughts on the subject. (202)-224-6665 (Murkowski) (202) 224-3004 (Sullivan).
You can also tag them in your social media posts @senlisamurkowski @sen_dansullivan.
Direct people to contact their own Federal delegations using this link:
Talking points
-For notations on scientific analysis consult this document
-Putting an industrial port and road in the middle of the best bear habitat in the world is reckless and dangerous for people and bears.
-Bears are landscape-scale animals. Pebble proposes to only study bears within 3 miles of the impacted areas. This is unacceptable. More impacts to bears can be found here
-The mine, road corridor, power plant, and port will fragment the best bear habitat in the world.
-The impacts to fish runs of Bristol Bay and Cook Inlet will hurt bear populations.
-The bear viewing industry in Alaska generates $36.5 million and contributes to 490 jobs. Full economic report here.
-An industrial port and road corridor so close to McNeil River State Game Sanctuary and Refuge, Katmai National Park and Preserve, and Lake Clark National Park will endanger bears and bear viewers who already use the area.